''Whenever there is a decline of Dharma and an increase of Adharma, O Arjun, I manifest at that time to protect Dharma,'' said Lord Krishna.
Bhishma and His Karmic Result!
Shanidev-The God Of Justice and Karma!
The First Arghya!
Story Of Dambodbhava!
Raikva- the cart puller!
Tat,Tvam, Ashi- Thou Art That- Swetaketu!
The Fowler and the Pigeon!
Vedavati- reborn as Sita!
Rishi Astavakra and his disciple- King Janaka!
Kalayavana chased Lord Krishna!
Ashwatthama - the cursed Chiranjeevi!
Gokarna- the son of a cow!
The subjugation of Vindhya Mountain!
Story of Lord Shani Dev!
Arjun's acquisition of divine weapons!
Ravana- the great scholar!
Nachiketa- the symbol of determination! (Katha Upanishad)
Vishwamitra- the Brahmarshi!
Iravan- what a sacrifice!