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Writer's picture: anjali mohapatraanjali mohapatra

Life is mysterious, and so is God's existence. It is the biggest mystery in this universe. We have not seen Him, but we do believe Him! He is the Master of everything. I have no idea whether others will agree with this, but this is my concept of God. Have a look.

Assimilate all the good qualities such as love, affection, generosity, kindness, happiness, impartiality, honesty, sincerity, truthfulness, determination, justice, and hard work into one form with its antonyms, enclose all these abstract nouns visualizing time as its borderline, that is ‘God’ in my perception, in my belief. Why so much confusion, so much argument on ‘God’? God is the embodiment of every quality. He is neutral—you, whose deeds fall upon Him and reflect on you, as you did. Never blame either to God or to your fate. Because the existing life you are going through is nothing but pursuits of your ‘Karma’ (work), you have or had performed. Go through every page of ‘The Bhagwat Gita’ thoroughly, trust me, you can realize the good version of ‘God’. Neither in the past nor in the present or the future, this word is going to be defined. These are bonded so strongly with time, that no one on this earth can ever get its clue to unfold the mystery. There is no beginning, no end of this oneness. It is well versed in ‘Gita’:- in Nabamodhyayah ‘Rajavidya Rajaguyah jogah’.

‘Mayatitamidam sarbam jagatbyaktamurtina, Matsthani sarbabhutani  na chahyam teswabasthitah,

The whole ‘Bhagvat Gita’ is based on the conversation of Lord Krishna and Arjun. From the beginning till the end, Lord Krishna has depicted the reality of life and inculcated true knowledge to Arjun. In the above shloka, Krishna says that God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient. Everybody believes in that. The whole creation is within Him. In a wider sense, we can say, ‘He is present in every living or non-living thing, no matter what it is, whether a stone or a particle of sand. He is everywhere. Everything is under his control! He can achieve anything, but everybody cannot achieve Him. He can only be perceived by pure ‘love and devotion’.

Think about it calmly! Science has progressed par excellence, man has landed on the moon, and so many other incredible assets have been invented, slowly but steadily man has become invincible, yet once a natural disaster occurs, no science, no man, nothing can ever sustain before it. Why? It could have been prevented. There would be no death at all. A man could create another man. But till today have you ever heard any such news that man or science has controlled a life or a death? Does he have the power to make somebody immortal physically? The day man will be successful in this project, we will believe that there is no such ‘God’, we are God.

God, the word itself is phenomenal. This is the biggest critical question ever made in this Universe. And till now this question is unrevealed, unsolved. Every time controversial statements are given. Yet the query is going on! It is always a question mark for everybody ‘Does God exist?’ Out of thousands and millions, ninety-nine percent believe in God, although it varies in form, from person to person. Particularly in India, so many deities are worshiped.  What do you think? Are there hundreds of Gods? So, what exactly God is? What does He look like? Based on this topic, I am postulating my story.  I am a strong believer in God. Whatever knowledge I have, I am going to interpret it according to my perception. I request that the readers keep patience and go through the points thoroughly.’

Think broadly about whom you adore. Unconsciously or subconsciously, for every single matter in our life, we pray to God wishing something good to happen. Sometimes it clicks, sometimes it doesn’t. When the time favors, we say ‘God’s blessing’, when time does not favor, we evaluate it as ‘unlucky’. Believe it or not, luck depends upon one’s deeds. Luck functions like a debit or a credit card. But here, the debit and credit cards are nothing but your good or bad deeds which are accumulated in your name, as an account opened in a bank. From this account ( a pile of good or bad deeds, transformed into luck)the reward passes, as money passes from your account. A proverb is there 'kar vala, to ho vala’. It simply means that the outcome of a good deed is always good! Yes, you may not get the result instantly, but eventually, it will come, there is no doubt of it. However, all the accounts of our good deeds accumulate in the topmost bank- (God himself ) from where the money (blissful life as a reward of good works) flows to us so that we enjoy the present life.

There are millions and billions of particles present in the Universe. We can’t see them. These particles combine in different proportions to form new things. The characteristics of every material are different from one another. We believe we are made up of panch mahabhut  ( five elements).  They are: air, water, earth, fire, sky. When the body perish, these five elements, return to their original places. Science also agrees with it.  But what is believed in common is that after death, our mortal body has perished and the soul which is immortal goes back to the Eternal Soul, which is ‘Paramatma’. Naturally, it comes to our mind ‘Who is God’, ‘How does He look like’ ‘Where does He live?’ Even I asked myself the same question again and again, and never got an answer, although I have believed in God strongly since my childhood. Perhaps that positive thinking of ‘God’ provides strength within my heart to accomplish my works. I asked this same question to my parents. Every time I got the answer, ‘keep faith in God’, because it was beyond their capacity to define. I think nobody can define it. I am not defining either, I am just putting my assumption of what I feel about God. It may be a delusion, but if it leads to a better path, then what is wrong with it? But this unsolved query leads me to think deeper and provides me with some assumptions on which to some extent I am satisfied. I am not asking anyone to believe it, but there is no harm in going through it. My point is: that God is not an object. It may be the accumulation of uncountable different particles arranged in the highest order without having any shape, size, or color, in its way, whose composition and constituents are beyond the reach of human beings. He is the creator of this Nature and we are a part of it. These naturally bonded particles form ‘a Supernatural Power’, which controls the whole Universe. Particles contain charges (energy). The good and bad qualities are nothing but the outcome of charges, which are directly proportional to your deeds. The way you act, you get the charges from the Supernatural power.  It regulates its acts. It is neither a man nor a woman.  It takes its shape as it wants. There is no end of its shape or size. It is ‘Nirakar’ which means no ‘akar’( no shape, no size). It is also called ‘Ananta’ which means no end. 

The Supreme Power takes the form as it wishes.  We are the viewers, who personified the power as ‘He’ or ‘She’. And it appears before our mind’s eye as we want to see. That is nothing but, for our satisfaction. Perhaps, He took the form of ‘Prakriti and Purush’ both at the same time using His energy to create this universe.  Nowhere, it is written that he appeared in human form only. Rather in ‘Dashavatar’, it is assumed that He destroyed the demons in the form of fish( Matshavatar means fish and Kurmavatar means tortoise). Thus ‘He’ becomes the master of all. As an excellent ‘Master’, He has given us full freedom to move around in nature. He is watching every single movement of ours.  We all are accountable to ‘Him’. 

It is said that when there is utmost corruption on the earth, innocent people’s lives are endangered, saints are tortured, and ‘God’ takes his incarnation. Whether you believe it or not, I do believe in incarnation. For instance: Lord Ram in Tretaya yug and  Krisna in Dwaper yug. He takes His form, as the time demands.  By the way, if you go to any corner of this world, a ‘good deed’ is always welcomed and adored. There is no question, whether it is Ram,  Krishna, Jesus, Allah, or any other, He is beyond the reach of normal human beings, so what’s wrong with accepting Him as God? Good people are always adorable. ‘God’ is in that status, where you feel relief, and get internal peace of mind, even though it is momentarily based.

Krishna, the symbol of love and beauty, is par excellence. From his birth till the end of his life, every step was unbelievable. Starting from his birth, His childhood acts, the destruction of mighty demons, ‘Viswaroop Darsan to Arjun’, and lots of other incidents, all were incredible. Again, He was the only one, who performed ‘Rasleela’ with hundreds of gopies at the same time. Can a single man take so many forms of his own? There are so many other instances shown in ‘Bhagavat’, which were unbelievable. If we analyze his character, every single act is ‘supernatural’. Isn’t it? My point is, ‘Isn’t God himself a super magician?’ Maybe God took his incarnation in the form of ‘Krishna’? Why it is hard to believe? Why is it taken as a mythological story? If it happens so, then tomorrow, we will also be included in mythological stories by our great, great, great-grandchildren. It’s not impossible.

If I ask today’s youth, ‘ Have you seen Mahatma Gandhi, Lincoln, Hitler, any one of them? Of course, it is ‘no’. But we believe. It is in history, right? Is there any proof of a single person’s identification, as mentioned above? You would think of me as a maniac, right? But trust me, all those previous icons can be proved as imaginary. The documentaries shown of World War or Mahatma Gandhi or Lincoln, everything can be linked as a type of advanced technology of science. Science has advanced to such an extent that anything, anything can be rearranged, fixed, and dubbed. Maybe all these pictures, statues, and historical monuments should be renamed as people wanted. So, tell me now, how do you feel, if everything is proved wrong? Can you believe it? Is it acceptable? We believe in the past, present, and future. Because the present is based on the past and the future is followed by the present. Even though some of the evidence of Lord Krishna’s existence is still there, yet Krishna’s life is adopted as a mythological story, why? I'm afraid I have to disagree with this completely. Now man has landed on the moon which is acceptable because we have seen it on TV and that has occurred in the recent past by the USA because science has advanced so much. Go back thousands and thousands of years back, maybe that time science was much, much more advanced than our present time. In ‘Ramayan’, Ravan had carried Sita in ‘Puspakjaan’. The description of ‘Pushpakjaan’ given in Ramayan is much better and advanced. Today’s airplane is a new form of old-time Puspakjaan. Not only that, we are using an atomic bomb or nuclear bomb in the war for massive destruction, in Dwaper or Tretaya yug, they were using only swords, bows, and arrows.  But with that single bow and arrow, they could produce a tsunami, volcano, or iceberg which could do utter annihilation. My point is, if today’s scene is possible, why then those time incidents are taken as imaginary stories?   

In the battle of ‘Mahabharata’, between Kauravas and Pandavas, when Arjun refused to fight back against Kauravas (his cousins) because he didn’t want to be the cause of anybody’s death, Lord Krishna said:-

‘Nainyam chhindanti sashtrani, nainyam dahati pabakah,na chainyam kledayantyapo na shosayati marutah’ . 

It means: On the pretext of the death of a person, Shree Krishna explained to Arjun that the soul never dies, it just discards its old body and enters into a new body, like people discard old clothes and take a new one. The soul is immortal. Neither the weapon can cut the soul, nor the fire can burn it, neither the water can wet it, nor the wind can blow it. He explained the theory of the ‘soul’ that it is immortal and much above all the earthly materials. It comes from ‘Paramatma’(Supernatural power or Eternal Soul) and after the death of the physical body, the soul goes back to ‘ Paramatma’ again. Hence, he (Arjun) should not hesitate to fight. He is just a means to an end, nothing else.

Whether it is ‘Ram or Krishna’, ‘Jesus or Allah’, God is only ‘One’. He doesn’t have any cast, creed, or any boundary.  It is neither ‘He’ nor ‘She’. We refer to the word ‘He’ usually, only because assuming ultimate strength as masculine gender. Otherwise, ‘He’ or ‘She’ makes no difference in the pretext of ‘God’. This vast Universe is His creation. Nobody in the present world has seen either, ‘ Ram or Krishna’. But the description given to their characters, the idols are made. We accept that. Acceptance is trust and trust is ‘faith’. Undoubtedly, ‘Faith is God’. It gives us mental peace to pray to our desired ‘God’.   Trust me, ‘God’ is there. Do not confuse. God is the ultimate Supreme Knowledge. Try once to get Him, but you require a pure heart, deep concentration, and true love to attain Him. 

‘Self- consciousness’, is the milestone to the Divine path. Can you do it? The choice is yours. It is up to you!

(PS: I wrote this story in 2015 and based on my imagination. Pls ignore the mistakes.)               

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